A Call To Action

Love is the strongest stuff ever! Two months of introspecting and soul searching has brought me to a point of no return. I guess am grown, am youthful in my endeavors, even if adversity is an everyday thing life has never been more vibrant than it is. I spent the whole vacation time i had listening to the whole album of the artist depicted on the left side and it left me questioning alot of human tendencies and traits. Drugs are a force to be reckoned with and the last thing an addict would need is hypocrisy where "using" is concerned. The same drug that calms down the rage of a taurus will trigger a virgo to lose his or her cool. Society at large is self-conceited where a gate way drug like Cannabis is concerned. We lack activists who can usher in new recreative ways for the use of these stimulants. Often the use of Cannabis requires a matured state of mind otherwise the paranoi that comes with the various effects of the drug use will inevitably lead one in rehab or in o...