Social Media In A Third World Country

"We must avoid with our utmost endeavor, and amputate with fire and sword, and by all other means, from the body, sickness; from the soul, ignorance; from the belly, luxury; from a city, sedition; from a family, discord; and from all things,excess."       Pythagoras
I had a discussion some days ago that could have gone south and intense in a very short space of time. I would like to imagine my counterpart in the discussion was not out for blood in her replies to my responses, often are times when people who socialize online tend to have conversations on topics they take out of context. Here is what our argument was all about and how it ended Success, Money or Wealth and Health. As most of you will notice the probability of misunderstanding each other was extremely high in comparison to if this were a verbal discourse, such is what awaits everybody online trying to make their opinion heard even if theirs is one lacking in logic or factual content, which brings me to a very disturbing aspect of social media Trolling this is one of the most injurious aspects of communicating online, as it distracts individuals from actually focusing on that which is a 'pressing matter' as a result efficient flow of accurate information is disrupted miserably. In well to do countries it's not much of a big deal but third world countries like my mother Zambia can't really afford to have a whole generation of it's citizenry who do nothing but spend time online just throw in a spanner in the works of accurate information exchange. It's retrogressive and quite frankly it takes us to the stone age era where we become nothing but unreasonable beings. A fellow country man by the name of William Wapi really bared out his soul as he did this caricature of a rape victim
who not only had to suffer at the hands of her assailants' animosity but the inhumane backlash of an unsympathetic online audience as well. Nailed to a cross called Facebook as the artist metaphorically put it, this resonates with all manner of victims in third world countries that cry for help but are never heard, and in third world countries social media just made things worse cause now they are put on the pedestals to be rebuked and shamelessly degraded.


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