What would a doctor with no compassion become in the long run?
Every person on earth owes it to the rest of humanity to exhibit some empathy when in the company of those less fortunate than them. It might be a lot for others to ask you of this but, it’s the reasonable thing you need to ask of yourself. We are all equal not only in the eyes of the Universe but our hearts beat as one; our minds are no different nor are our thought process. With time though, as it is the determinant of all things great and beyond human understanding, the contents of our minds which are the treasures of humanity or should I say, treasure of humanity vary due to a diverse exposure of culture, language, customs or traditions as well as privileges or opportunities. That however should not be the reason why a person in a position of power or of great leverage should treat those they feel are beneath them with callousness, it takes but a moment to inspire a human being to do good or to create a thing of beauty and in that moment the muse does an act of either benevolence or they create an epiphany that makes their fellow human being realize a great truth. However this Simon Mwewa Saga left quite the opposite of what the Leaders of this nation meant or wanted when they put the MAKE ZAMBIA CLEAN campaign in motion. 
Video below:

This story has circulated all over Zambia and it’s probably old news now but I feel like the people need to know that, even 50 people liking or agreeing with Mr. Mwewa’s approach represents a decadence for human decency. That’s why His Excellency The President Mr. Edgar .C. Lungu initiated the strategy in co-ordination with the Lusaka City Council of making Saturdays a cleaning up day for all traders in the business district, big or small, the plan was with no segregation whatsoever and only those who do not adhere to working in solidarity with others were the ones shunning the cleaning day. Am no lawyer but I feel like that woman has a very strong civil suit against Mr. Mwewa, the Law was put in place for these exact moments, let a precedent be set so that no jack and john should feel the need to diminish another human being’s dignity cause they are more exposed to wealth, resources or knowledge. Equality may not always be a reality for those who are underprivileged but by God Equity shall be their shield lest should they feel they exist in a world where only the strong survive.
SUE MR MWEWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Which dignity are we talking about? Is not like the woman was ordered to strip.
    Second the woman had a choice , it wasn't an order, Simon is in no position to order nobody to do nothing for a fact that he is no cop or what so ever, he is just a building owner and clean Zambia and green ambassador, and it is to my understanding that the position does not come with power to order nobody but simply advocate.

  2. Are you supposing that human dignity and self worth are aspects entirely related to the human body being clothed?


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