The Ticket In The Jacket

After my supposed outburst at the most opulent purchase of one piece of apparel our country has ever seen, I decided to scour the web in search of the now legendary Red Jacket. Our national papers didn't have the images on their online platforms as to when it was been purchased but luckily for me they had the stories that made the said jacket famous and valuable. Often and not too many times great men are taken and quoted out of context, not because they are prone to been mistaken but often because their struggles are best left untouched and overlooked. 

HH goes to High Court.
The UPND fundraising party of getting to know the present was quite indeed a hefty affair, it got the who's who of our society dipping into their deep pockets just to get not a glimpse but the very façade of our Republican president is. The party was a success, it's organizers can now do more than just hope that their Party and it's reign is going to be a success. I dare not implicate the President's adversity during his court trials, into my absolute loathing of someone buying his apparel for such an ostentatious amount, for adversity conquered is what makes us all great and it would be unwise for me to take such achievements lightly. Nelson Madiba Mandela had his own, our very own Kenneth Kaunda may God rest his soul had his own, who am I or rather who would I become tomorrow if I took the deeds of these iconoclasts for granted?

No, my qualms still lay rest at the feet of the newly acclaimed big buyer, am sure he would have various reasons as to why he chose to purchase the said apparel at such a decadent price. Nonetheless the ticket in the jacket meant that everybody who was bidding for the legendary jacket, really had deep pockets and none could afford to let the other have the glory, putting up the President's adversity on their mantle was the fuel that pushed this mysterious piece to K2.5million. 

I shall take comfort in the fact that the party was a success ergo the Party should be a success but if I can be allowed to be so candid about this matter is that the thumbs up goes to the head that wears the crown, my comfort lies in the fact that we have to trust our leaders for often our very own welfare is at variance with our wants. God Speed Mr. President as we all get to see the fruits of your labor and the betterment of our people. 


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