Of Enlightenment

Belief is a powerful tool, bestowed upon a species too lost in it's own ideologies such that in the hands of the elite it's the very tool of bondage that shall surpass all ages and eras.

Question...Doesn't God say in Genesis 1:26 "And now we shall make human beings ; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small."?
I have come to the conclusion that most christians out there want it both ways.
They declare to have the power of Belief and yet they ignore certain parts that they find too difficult or too inconvenient to believe.

Fact! Being created in God's own image is tantamount to being equal or not being inferior to God

Every major religion out there has leaders who are well vased in the Ancient Mysteries and yet as a way of mass controlling the gullible they label the Occult as evil as they drink from the same cup of the condemed harlot. Occult as a word doesn't even come close to the word evil. The word is of french origin specifically Latin meaning Hidden or not obvious to the senses.
Belief is a powerful tool and for one to fully understand the Ancient Mysteries belief is a prerequisite.
The Awakened no longer belong to the flock of sheep they are their own sheperds, they are the blessed ones who escape the clutches and claws of the wolves in sheep's clothing.
Question....Who are the wolves in sheep's clothing? The Religious world Leaders.
Wake up don't smell the coffee smell the roses, we are all the holy grails of the Grand Architect, divinity is embedded deep within us all. Belief is the tool, proof is housed by belief without the belief what good are the facts?
Man's divinity does not lie in his intellect! it lies in his being as in "to be", the becoming itself is a metamorphosis more divine that the changing of a caterpillar into a radiant butterfly
These thoughts have been going round since eternity and if words cannot convince you otherwise then perhaps ALBRECHT DURER's Melencolia I can show you a different perspective to man's true enlightenment.
Durer depicted a brooding figure with giant wings, the wings can be interpreted as the figure being destined to sour high in the skies or heavens, transcendence. The figure is surrounded by haphazard imaginable objects that represent man's intellect from measuring scales to various geometrical shapes, from carpenter's tools to a ladder, from an hourglass and a bell to an emaciated dog. All in all this engraving resonates one complex fact, Man's failed attempt to trasform human intellect into Godlike power.

Question...why use a ladder when you are blessed with wings? Dogma is man's Achilles heel. Belief is still a potent tool for the Awakened.


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