
Showing posts from 2018


What would a doctor with no compassion become in the long run? Every person on earth owes it to the rest of humanity to exhibit some empathy when in the company of those less fortunate than them. It might be a lot for others to ask you of this but, it’s the reasonable thing you need to ask of yourself. We are all equal not only in the eyes of the Universe but our hearts beat as one; our minds are no different nor are our thought process. With time though, as it is the determinant of all things great and beyond human understanding, the contents of our minds which are the treasures of humanity or should I say, treasure of humanity vary due to a diverse exposure of culture, language, customs or traditions as well as privileges or opportunities. That however should not be the reason why a person in a position of power or of great leverage should treat those they feel are beneath them with callousness, it takes but a moment to inspire a human being to do good or to create a thing of

Of Enlightenment

Belief is a powerful tool, bestowed upon a species too lost in it's own ideologies such that in the hands of the elite it's the very tool of bondage that shall surpass all ages and eras. Question...Doesn't God say in Genesis 1:26 "And now we shall make human beings ; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small."? I have come to the conclusion that most christians out there want it both ways. They declare to have the power of Belief and yet they ignore certain parts that they find too difficult or too inconvenient to believe. Fact! Being created in God's own image is tantamount to being equal or not being inferior to God Every major religion out there has leaders who are well vased in the Ancient Mysteries and yet as a way of mass controlling the gullible they label the Occult as evil as they drink from the same cup of the condemed harlot. Occult as a word doe

Decision making and Innovations of Third World Leaders.

We lost today's match, how sad for us all Zambians. We lost a lot more in that regard compared to the fact that we have a police force that needs adequate training in the way it handles riotous behaviour. Losing the football match was so sad, that a politician is busy out there making claims that the soul of the student who died as collateral damage in an unnecessary and unwarranted for debacle between the police and the students was that of a rotten apple, a bad egg so to say. Now while these over ambitious politicians are trying to get in the good graces of the Chief Resident of our dearly beloved nation, Fuel prices are at K16/ litre, Decisions Decisions Decisions!!! $100 a barrel? Will Iran sanctions and Venezuela crisis bring oil price spike?   The middle east despite of its wars and all the terrorism that even for a fraction of a second can not be likened to the type Chilufya Tayali was suggesting on this evening's news is the world's beacon of hope in the supp

Social Media In A Third World Country

"We must avoid with our utmost endeavor, and amputate with fire and sword, and by all other means, from the body, sickness; from the soul, ignorance ; from the belly, luxury; from a city, sedition; from a family, discord; and from all things,excess."       Pythagoras I had a discussion some days ago that could have gone south and intense in a very short space of time. I would like to imagine my counterpart in the discussion was not out for blood in her replies to my responses, often are times when people who socialize online tend to have conversations on topics they take out of context. Here is what our argument was all about and how it ended Success, Money or Wealth and Health. As most of you will notice the probability of misunderstanding each other was extremely high in comparison to if this were a verbal discourse, such is what awaits everybody online trying to make their opinion heard even if theirs is one lacking in logic or factual content, which brings me to a very